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    My Newest Adventure: Mom-Photography101

    When I woke up on Wednesday morning, I had an idea. A crazy idea that I felt could help lots of moms. My idea was to create a place where “mom-tographers” who own nice cameras but only use auto mode (or hardly touch them because they are more comfortable with their iPhones) could learn how to really use the cameras they already own to take better photos of their kids. This would allow them to capture everyday memories that they'll be able to treasure forever!

    I put some feelers out in a few mom groups I am a part of asking if anyone would be interested in something like this, and the response was incredible! I texted my husband frantically to figure out what to do with all the interest I had received. I ended up making a sign-up form and a Facebook Group. After only a couple of days we had over 400 moms signed up and excited to grow and learn together!

    And so, Mom-tography101 was born!

    I am still so overwhelmed with the amazing response I have received. My goal is simple: to better serve my target audience. Since starting Rebecca Rice Photography, I have found myself immersed in a niche serving families with young kids. At first I wanted to be a wedding photographer because it seemed like the thing to do, but that's not where I naturally fell. And I'm SO glad, because I absolutely love serving families!!

    That being said, I couldn't be more honored to have the privilege of serving the moms around me! It isn't just about taking beautiful photos or teaching others to take beautiful photos. As a mom myself, I know that motherhood isn't easy. It takes a village, a community of others surrounding us and supporting us. If I can play even a small role in helping empower moms to be the best they can be, I will feel accomplished! I know that moms want to treasure the moments they have before them because we will blink and they'll be gone. By equipping moms with the knowledge to use their cameras to their fullest potential, it will allow them to be more present in those precious moments. No more worrying about getting the camera settings right and missing the moment they wanted to capture, or, as one of the moms in our group put it, “relying on the point/shoot/pray method” of photography. These moms will be learning how to be confident with their cameras so that they can enjoy the moments in front of them.

    If you or someone you know would benefit from joining our Mom-tography101 community, here's an open invitation to join us! It is completely free and will be covering how to use the camera you already own, edit like a pro, and use your knowledge of taking beautiful photos to capture moments you'll treasure forever.

    To join in the fun, simply click HERE to sign up! Again, it's completely FREE and I guarantee you won't regret it!

    I can't wait to see where this community goes over the coming months! Thanks for allowing me to share my heart with you!


    Update (1/5/19): I am so humbled with where this journey has brought us so far! After only 9 months we are up to over 2.5k members in our Mom-tography101 community from all over the world! So many moms have been able to learn and grow together, and some have even gone on to pursue their own photography businesses! I love the community we've built and I know you will too!

    For Photographers:

    For Families:

    not sure where to begin?

    here's a great place to start

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    our *behind-the-scenes* membership program

    Behind the Lens is our BRAND NEW MEMBERSHIP program geared towards family photographers! Each month our members receive a behind-the-scenes video of me shooting a REAL family session. As a bonus, I also include an EXCLUSIVE MASTERCLASS each month teaching on business topics I don't teach anywhere else! As our MOST AFFORDABLE, value-packed educational resource in our shop, it's a no-brainer for anyone looking to level up their family photography game! Join me every month behind the lens.

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