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    Ep. 57 Leveraging Socials to Grow Your Biz with Kendra Swalls

    Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Transcript

    Are you ready for today's podcast?! This topic is asked among my students often. We're talking about how leveraging socials to grow your biz can be done! I've got special guest Kendra Swalls and who is an EXPERT when it comes to social media. She's a business and marketing coach with Girl Means Business. As moms, business owners and all the things in between I know social media can fall to the back burner, but that doesn't mean there isn't value in social media. Keep reading if you want to learn Kendra Swalls' social media tips!

    Why Social Media is Necessary

    Social media acts as proof to your business. We all use it to some extent. When you're searching for a new dentist, daycare or pediatrician you examine them online before ever stepping foot inside. Social media is the first impression. People aren't just looking at websites anymore, they're looking to social media to give a glimpse inside the day to day workings of a business.

    Depending on who your audience is really determines which platform(s) should be your emphasis. When it comes to the amount of interaction – it's best to be consistent. Be reliable and something people can count on. Find a way to be consistent with your own schedule. Do what works for you so you aren't facing burnout a month from now. Utilize social media to be sustainable!

    You Don't Need to be Everywhere

    Track your return on investment. This isn't just monetary investment, but time! As photographers Instagram is such a go to because it truly is an online portfolio. Take the time to do a little research about your own business. When clients find you, where did they find you? You'll be surprised to see which platform is benefitting your business. It can help you make better choices on where you're investing your time. A great way to hear from your clients is by using a Client Questionnaire. This can give you a pulse on your audience. Here's the golden rule: Be where your current and future clients are.

    Biggest Tip for Utilizing Social Media

    Get very clear on your intention of what you expect to get out of social media. Too many times people go in blindly thinking if they post a promo they will automatically fill all their dates. Rather, go into social media to build awareness around my brand. Maybe funnel people back to an email list or just build connections with people. You can leverage socials to grow your biz, but through a different perspective. People don't go to social media to book a session right away. They go to be entertained, inspired or educated.

    Appeal to Your Audience

    If you're a family photographer, you're not trying to appeal to the dad of the kids, you're appealing to the mom. She's the one who is going to be booking the session. She's the one who's doing the research. Next address questions and concerns your audience has. What are some frequently asked questions? Using a photo caption to educate your audience is leveraging your socials to grow your photography biz!  Lastly, remember to engage with your audience. This doesn't just mean commenting on your own posts and responses. You should be going to other feeds, group, etc. and engaging. Don't “post and ghost”! You do need to give a little engagement to get a little engagement.

    And there you have it! Kendra Swalls' social media tips on how to leverage social media to grow your biz! I know these will definitely be a game changer for you!

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    What We Discussed

    Why Social Media is Necessary (2:11)
    You Don't Need to be Everywhere (8:21)
    Biggest Tip for Utilizing Social Media (14:52)
    Appeal to Your Audience (21:28)
    Leveraging Socials to Grow Your Biz - social media tips Leveraging Socials to Grow Your Biz - social media tips Leveraging Socials to Grow Your Biz - social media tips

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