Wow, what a whirlwind couple of weeks we've had! Now that we've been home for a bit I wanted to sit down and write everything down before I forget. I didn't write out Maddie's birth story and I wish I did, so I knew for sure I wouldn't miss it for Carson!
This pregnancy was a lot like my last pregnancy. It was overall really easy and uneventful. With Maddie, I was diagnosed with early pre-eclampsia around 36 weeks and ended up being induced at 37 weeks due to high blood pressure. Because pre-eclampsia tends to show up in following pregnancies, we had been watching for symptoms from the beginning of this pregnancy. Sure enough, right around 36 weeks my blood pressure started climbing.
I was thoroughly convinced we'd be inducing at 37 weeks again this time. When that 37 week mark hit, I started having consistent contractions that Tuesday. Now these weren't your typical Braxton Hicks contractions…that afternoon they were 5 minutes apart (warranting an appointment with my OB – I was 1.5cm dilated) and by Tuesday night they were coming 2.5 minutes apart. That sent us to Labor and Delivery thinking for sure our little man would be making his appearance! Welp…we were wrong.
After being monitored for a couple of hours, of course my contractions slowed down and we were sent home to rest. The next day the contractions continued. They'd vary from 15 minutes apart down to every 2 minutes…ALL. DAY. This continued through Wednesday. And Thursday. And Friday. We had a regular appointment on Friday, and my OB was shocked that I was still pregnant! I was miserable from contracting for 4 days straight. He said I technically was in early labor, but I wasn't progressed enough to be admitted. He said my fluid levels were really high (possibly causing the contractions) and agreed to have us come back the following Tuesday to be induced if he still didn't come on his own.
Fast forward to Tuesday and yes, I was still pregnant (and still having regular contractions)! We were sent over to Labor and Delivery and were admitted to be induced! They had intended on giving me a cervical ripener for a couple of hours and then starting me on Pitocin, but after the cervical ripener my contractions picked up FAST! It turned out that my body just needed a little kickstart and we were in full active labor! My labor with Maddie was super fast, so we knew this one would be too. I got my epidural soon after the contractions really picked up and then my doctor came and broke my water. Only 3 peaceful hours later (thank you, modern medicine!!) Carson Dean Rice was born at 11:29pm weighing 7lbs, 0 oz and 19 inches long!
The minute we saw his sweet little face we were in love all over again! He had his sister's little button nose and little lips. Oh how I missed those newborn snuggles!! We got settled into our postpartum room and got as much rest as we could. Carson had a lot of family eager to meet him in the morning!
The moment I was most excited for was when Maddie would meet her little brother for the first time. We've been trying to get her ready by reminding her that Carson was inside of Mommy's tummy and would come out very soon. Our conversations often went like this:
Mommy: “Are you excited to meet Carson?”
Maddie: “Yes!”
Mommy: “Are you going to hold him?”
Maddie: “Yes!”
Mommy: “Are you going to give him his paci?”
Maddie: “Yes!”
Mommy: “Are you going to play with him?”
Maddie: “YES!” (She was really excited about that one.)
We weren't exactly sure how much she understood, but we hoped for the best. I am so thankful that my sister, Alyx, was there to capture Maddie's first moments with her baby brother. She was a little hesitant at first and was confused as to why all the cameras were pointed at her while she sat with Mommy and this baby, but she soon got excited! She pointed out Carson's nose, mouth, and eyes, and they were best friends from there.
And, in true Maddie fashion, she had to make faces at Alyx's boyfriend, “Ry-Ry”.
She was really excited to watch the nurse give Carson his first bath!
He didn't like being so cold and cried through the end of his bath, and Maddie went into full protective sister mode! Just look at that sweet little pout because her brother was sad!!
Carson peed at the end of his bath and of course everyone in the room reacted – and Maddie LOST IT!
I'm so glad to have these beautiful photos capturing these moments. The crazy, the adorable, and the newborn calm. Just after this he was sent under the UV lights where he spent most of the rest of our stay because he was quite jaundiced. Now that we're home I really got to appreciate these moments all over again! Carson is doing great at home and so far is following in his sister's sleepy footsteps! So far we've had to wake him up for his feedings (which is quite the task!). Maddie asks every 10 minutes or so to see him, hold him, wake him up, share her crackers, and just can't get enough! Also she seems like a giant now. I'm so thankful for my little family!
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