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    Student Spotlight: Rebecca McGonigle of NOVA Portraits

    I'm so excited to be introducing you to another fantastic student of mine, Rebecca McGonigle of NOVA Portraits. She's located in Northern VA, a mompreneur (YAY!) and an amazing photographer. I can't wait for you to read all about how she became a photographer and more of her story! 

    Student Spotlight: Rebecca McGonigle of NOVA Portraits

    Tell me about yourself.

    I'm Rebecca and I am a photographer in Northern Virginia. I am a wife to a wonderfully supportive husband, a stay at home mother to 2 beautiful girls, and a lover of all things photography. In my free time, you can find me doing one of two things. I am either wandering around with my camera playing with my creative lens (love my Lens Babies!) or reading a good book. I generally read crime dramas but lately have been loving historical fiction.

    Tell me a little about your photography business!

    I have been practicing photography for over 10 years but decided to jump headfirst into making it a business 3 years ago. I am primarily a family photographer but dabble in seniors and headshots/branding shoots. My business journey has been a slow one only because I am a perfectionist and stress way too much over the details!

    What started your photography journey?

    If you had told me 13 years ago I would be a photographer I probably would have laughed. In my former life, I was an Electrical Engineer, I even hold a master's degree in the subject. While I loved that job I decided to take a hiatus to raise my two girls full time. It was then that I discovered my passion for photography and capturing the moments that are so fleeting. As my girls have gotten bigger, and to be honest need me a little less, I found myself wondering if I should return to corporate life. In the end, I decided that following my true passion was going to be more rewarding personally all while allowing me to still be pretty available much full-time for my girls.

    What is your favorite thing about running a photography business?

    My favorite thing about running a photography business is delivering galleries. I love it when people see how beautiful they really are and get excited about their photos. It makes me smile that these photos will be around forever and cherished by generations to come.

    What is something you've achieved that you're proud of?

    I feel like I have achieved a ton with my photography business, but what I am most proud of actually has nothing to do with photography. When you are a stay at home Mom to girls it can sometimes feel as if you are showing them that they won't go much beyond motherhood, that it's what they should do as well. This was a real struggle of mine because I want both my girls to know that they can do/achieve anything that they want. So what I am most proud of is showing them that they can be a mother and that they can start, own, and be successful in a business.

    If you could tell your past self one thing, what would it be?

    Oh dear, what would I not tell my past self? I suppose I would tell my past self to be confident and change my inner monologue from you can't to you absolutely will.

    Where can we find you and NOVA Portraits!?




    Don't forget to check out other recent Student Spotlights!


    Student Spotlight: Rebecca McGonigle of NOVA Portraits

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