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    Ep 10. Quarterly Planning Tips with Kat Schmoyer

    Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Transcript

    The first quarter of 2021 is almost over! We thought it was the perfect time to talk about quarterly planning and goal setting with Kat Schmoyer, a guest expert and business coach. On this episode of the Business Journey Podcast, we're talking about how to create goals you'll ACTUALLY achieve in your business each quarter. Whether you're trying to reach a new revenue goal or have a new project to launch, Kat's got some quarterly planning tips for you!

    Create a plan you can stick to.

    It's tempting to want to do all the things. It's our nature as entrepreneurs to wear all the hats and dream big. But when you start thinking about goal setting and achieving those goals in 90 days, you have to be realistic. Set goals and a plan you can actually stick with. Think long and hard about the time you have available and what you can do with that time.  90 days (a quarter) isn't a long time. Be ambitious, but realistic so you can actually meet some goals! Setting yourself up for failure isn't fun for anyone!

    What to think about when setting goals.

    When you set goals for your business, think about the WHY behind them. A new revenue goal is great but does it make sense? Are you realistically on target to do that new number? And if not, that's okay. Set something more attainable. Also think about the time you have available to chase this goal. Is the goal your setting really realistic in 90 days? Again, we don't want to fail! And most importantly: make sure that this goal is actually useful for your business. For example, it's GREAT to hit 10K followers on Instagram but if it's not increasing your sales or your bookings, maybe another goal is a better use of your time.

    Check in on your goals throughout the quarter.

    Whatever kind of goal you set, make a plan to check in with yourself throughout the quarter. This will help you know what you need to give your attention to. We recommend creating a schedule of checkpoints every few weeks so you can monitor your progress and tweak your plan moving forward. This means that by the end of the 90 days, you'll really understand what you did (or didn't do) right to help move the needle forward in your business.

    Creating quarterly goals is a GREAT way to create actual change in your business and these quarterly planning tips are a good way to start. With some hard work and focus, you can totally reach those big dreams! Try to remember to work in small, reasonable chunks – moving forward as much as you can every day. You've got this!

    Quarterly Planning Tips for small business owners   Quarterly Planning Tips for business owners from Kat Schmoyer, business coach   Quarterly Planning Tips with Kat Schmoyer

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