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    Student Spotlight: Abigail Easley of Abigail Footography

    Abigail is quite possibly one of the most inspiring students I've had the honor of teaching. Born without arms, Abigail has overcome so many obstacles to run her own business. And she's turned her hobby into a full-time career. I love her spirit and her energy! And, I can't wait for you to read more about her and Abigail Footography!

    Student spotlight of Abigail Easley Footography

    Tell me a little about your photography business!

    When I was 19 years old, I saw that my mom had nice camera equipment that I picked up her Canon Rebel T3 camera and tried it out. I never knew what those buttons and switches meant but I just kept shooting and shooting till I found that photography was my passion. Over the next few years, while I was in high school after practicing piano, and getting my school work done that I jumped right back at the camera and shoot more basically shooting nature, my dog, and my younger siblings. We vacationed in some of the most beautiful places on earth that I brought her camera with and continued shooting.

    I mainly shoot Portraits, Families, Seniors, and Events, but I also love photographing the lifestyle of kids, and anything that catches my eye of catching memories and been in business for 4 years.

    My photography journey has been good so far. I love my job and I love connecting with people and getting to know them better and capturing their smiles and hearing their stories!

    What started your photography journey?

    While living overseas in Santiago, Chile. I still used photography as a hobby and still love shooting. I found out that people use photography as a job and getting their own business to earn a little and thought that that would be awesome to do. Since I don't have arms and can't work at restaurants, grocery stores, and gas stations I did something that I told everyone that I will not do is own photography business. Well….that all changed. I prayed to God every night asking him what plans he has for me. And that he will show me the good plans that I would use my plans wisely as time passed he opened my heart and eyes and showed me what he required for me to do. And, I spoke with my mom about owning a business telling her that I wanted to start a photography business and she said that I think I will be good at this. I discovered that my photography was not just a hobby but it became a career!

    What is your favorite thing about running a photography business?

    My favorite thing about running a photography business is capturing special moments because I love seeing their smiles, hearing them laugh, being cheerful and happy. My clients are so sweet and kind that they are so happy with what I do.

    What is something you’ve achieved that you’re proud of?

    I am proud to say that I finally learned how to use my camera better, and I am so thankful to say that my hobby became a career of my very own.

    If you could tell your past self one thing, what would it be?

    That's a good one…Don't be a shy person to talk to people. Yes, I was really shy about talking to people at church and some other places. So I always tell myself to not be afraid but to let it out in a joyful way!

    Where can we find you and Abigail Footography!?




    Don’t forget to check out other recent Student Spotlights!

    student spotlight of Abigail Easley of Abigail Footography Abigail Easley shares her business journey as the owner of Abigail Footography









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