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    Ep. 51 Tips for Writing Solid Website Copy with Rachel Greiman

    Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Transcript

    Are you ready to dive into how to write website copy?! Honestly for whatever reason family photographers seem to be behind when it comes to writing solid copy. Today I've got Rachel Greiman, who is the founder of Greenchair Stories helping us really break down copy! Here's what I love – she was a family photographer! Who better to give us insight on writing solid copy for family photographers than a copywriter who was one!?

    In order for you to really grasp this, it's important you know what copy is and what it is not. A lot of people categorize copy as all the words. But not every word is created equal. There is a difference between copy, content and messaging. Here's the breakdown…

    The difference between copy, content and messaging

    Copy is the words you use to sell. What you see in advertisement anywhere in the world – that's copy. It is what you see in a magazine ad or on a billboard. Copy speaks to the buyer. It is strategic and has a definite message. It's the most important in your business because you're talking to your ideal client through this information!

    Content is what you write to warm up your audience. It is blog and social media posts. It's your newsletter. Content words are educational and creative. They are intended to engage your audience further into your business. What you're reading right now is content!

    Messaging is a crucial “root” to both content and copy. You always start with messaging. Who are you reaching? Who are you talking to? How can you get really specific about who that person is, what their desires are, what their problems are, what their questions and hesitations are. From there you can write incredible copy and content!

    Think, one reader

    Learning how to write website copy means you need to define who your ideal client is. Once that's determined you can start writing solid copy and content with them in mind. Essentially your website becomes a love letter written just to them. Some are afraid of getting specific in their copy because they think they're alienating business. The truth is you end up attracting more people similar to your ideal client. This turns your ideal client into clients – plural! If you're trying to be a jack of all trades – weddings, seniors, newborn, family, etc. – you end up being a master at none.

    I can remember the day I made the decision to just be a family photographer. I was so nervous to push the publish page on my website! It meant I would have to say no to things. But here's the thing, my no to other things made my YES stand out. And wow did that pay off!

    When should you hire a copywriter?

    It's really important to own your message in the beginning. You should be in control of it before you invest thousands of dollars in a copywriter. It's similar to hiring an editor. You can't hire someone to edit your photos until you know your style! If you're unsure of your message you don't want someone else writing it. Figure out who your heart beats for.

    Then on the flip-side if you keep getting inquiries from the “wrong” clients it may be because your copy is directed to the “wrong” clients. When you know who your one reader is you can really hone in. It may be time for you to change your copy or get help with writing it.

    I hope this helps you navigate and even determine where you're at! Define your ideal client, allow yourself to say no, don't try being everything to everyone. You can be a master at what you do and clients will seek you out knowing you specialize in what they want.

    Checkout Rachel Greiman:
    Green Chair Stories

    What We Discussed

    The difference between copy, content and messaging (3:24)

    Finding your one reader (5:53)

    When to hire (16:13)


    Tips for Writing Solid Website Copy with Rachel Greiman Tips for Writing Solid Website Copy with Rachel Greiman Tips for Writing Solid Website Copy with Rachel Greiman

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