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    Ep 74 – A look back: my very first mini sessions (and what I learned!)

    Resources Mentioned: Free Minis Class | CODB TutorialEmail Templates | Client Experience Guide

    Ready to take a stroll down memory lane? Let's take a look back at my very first mini sessions and what I learned! Before that I've got this free class to walk you through all things mini sessions. It's a perfect time with Fall minis just ahead and the best part is it's free! You can invest into yourself and business by setting time aside and taking this class. I know it's June, but it really is time to start preparing for marketing Fall minis. This is why I want to walk you through my very first mini sessions.

    How It Got Started

    I saw a post on Facebook from someone looking for a photographer to do live bunny Easter minis. So, I responded on a whim and said I would do it! I literally decided I'll find a bunny and do sets of minis and priced them at $125. That number was pulled out of thin air and I don't suggest doing that! You need to do a CODB (cost of doing business) and if you don't know how check out THIS YouTube tutorial. I did 4 hours of minis with a lunch break and it was way too much. Each set was 15 minutes and I learned I prefer not to do such a long timeframe. You have to find what works for you!

    Have An Assistant

    The location we were shooting was quite a distant away from where clients showed up. I had my assistant escort them back and forth so I could effectively do sessions back to back. You can find out how to shoot back to back by taking that free class mentioned above! Now, you don't need an assistant, but it is so worth it. I pay them an hourly rate and often used people I know personally. They don't have to be a photographer either!

    Communication Is Key

    I've experienced poor communication and knew if I was going to start a business or do this part time I wanted communication to be bliss. I discovered how important it is and what an impact it makes on a client experience. This is where my Final Info Email comes into play. Inside the email includes information like specific directions to our location, parking instructions, what to expect when they arrive and the fact that I shoot sessions back to back. This way they know they can't be late! The wording states that if they are late they forfeit their time and they will not be refunded. It goes out one week before the session and has several last minute reminders. You can find it in my Email Templates in the shop!

    Client Experience Guide

    I send out my Client Experience Guide to prepare clients as best as possible. This all goes into communication and allows clients to have a handle on their session. They come dressed well and with bribes to accommodate kiddos! My clients rave about my communication because I hold it as high priority. I'm telling you start preparing for mini session season so you can succeed! I use my very first mini sessions to learn and grow so I encourage you to do the same with yours!

    What We Discussed

    How it Got Started (2:33)
    Have An Assistant (7:17)
    Communication Is Key (9:02)
    Client Experience Guide (10:39)

    A look back: My very first mini sessions (and what I learned)!

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