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    Ep 88 – Tips for Selling Prints to Your Clients

    Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Transcript

    More Resources: Free Posing Class

    I'm excited to jump into today's topic! I don't talk about how to sell prints to your clients much, but a lot of you have asked me. Hopefully this answers things for you and you increase your revenue by selling to your clients! I do have a FREE class for you all about POSING! Most of us are in the thick of sessions right now so this class is timely. I'll be walking through the 6 keys to effective family posing. The best part is you'll be able to apply the contents to your very next session! Ready to learn how to sell prints to your clients?!

    Make Prints Available

    I know this may seem like an obvious tip, but you'd be surprised how many photographers are missing out simply because they don't offer it! Most gallery delivery systems have a shopping cart feature where you can set all this up. Basically the system has an auto fulfillment for prints. So, clients can put photos in the cart and order. The orders are placed with the printing lab and delivered white label to your clients so they don't see who you're printing from! So for starters, open up the shopping cart with your pricing, etc.

    Educate on Why

    This is one of those things that if you don't know, you don't know. We live in a digital age so it's easy for people to just get digitals and that's that. As photographers we should cast vision as to why prints are important! We should paint the picture of the value of prints. There's something special about pulling out an heirloom photo album or having pictures around your home. Having prints gives those in the photo a sense of belonging. However, clients may not think of this off the bat. When you showcase the value of tangible prints your clients are more likely to buy!

    Talk About What You Offer

    Show what you want to sell. You've got to excite your clients on social media and advertisement for what you're offering – in this case prints! So, if you're wanting to sell wall art then show them wall art on your social platforms. Give them reason to want what you're selling. Another point to think about is to educate them why they shouldn't print them at shutterfly or costco. We know, as photographers, those types of places have terrible quality. You don't get beautiful heirloom pieces from shutterfly. This is why clients should buy prints from you! But, it starts by talking about it in your content.

    Pricing Prints

    A good rule of thumb to price your prints is to mark up 3x the amount of wholesale. For example, if something was wholesale at $2 then you would mark it up to $6. The reason for this is in the case that you need to replace a print you will still make a profit. If a print gets messed up, which doesn't happen too often, you would need to make it right. By marking up the wholesale you cover those instances without eating up your revenue.

    Selling prints doesn't have to feel slimy or forced. It should be conversational! Talk about it on your social platforms, educate your clients as to why and at the very least just make it available in the shopping cart! Let me know if these were helpful tips for how to sell prints to your clients!

    What We Discussed

    Make Prints Available (3:00)
    Educate on Why (4:33)
    Talk About What You Offer (8:26)
    Pricing Prints (10:56)

    Tips for Selling Prints To Your Clients Tips for Selling Prints To Your Clients

    Tips for Selling Prints To Your Clients

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