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    Jax’s NICU Graduation

    Wow, what a blessing it was to get to capture this sweet moment this family has been waiting for…Jax was released from the NICU! Born 9 weeks early, Jackson was admitted into the NICU where he stayed for about 3 weeks. Kassie and Bryan had many long days at the hospital spending as much time as they could with their new little boy.

    I can't even imagine what it must have been like not to have my new baby by my side for the first few weeks of their life. Kassie showed so much strength and resilience through this time and it was an inspiration and encouragement to many. She opened up to the world about the hardships they faced as Jackson journeyed through his stay in the NICU. Though some days were tougher than others, she always managed to show people her faith that God had it under control and that they'd soon be able to take that sweet little boy home.

    Jackson, although not quite on his Momma's timeline (she's a planner like myself), worked so hard and did so well and last week was released from the NICU to go home with his family! I felt honored to be a part of this special day to capture these memories for Kassie and Bryan. When I arrived, the excitement and anticipation for Jackson's release was already building. As Kassie wanted every detail documented, Bryan was ready to run out of the room with Jackson the minute they said he could go! I'm sure Kassie wouldn't be far behind! Bryan was a good sport and allowed us to capture these precious moments that have become some of my favorite shots to date. Bryan and Kassie, thank you for allowing me to play this role in your journey with Jax! I know you're soaking up every minute of him being home with you!



    Welcome home, Baby Jax!

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