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    How to Avoid Over-Shooting Mini-Sessions

    If you’re like me, it’s easy to get excited while shooting mini-sessions. I tend to get “shutter happy” and snap sooooo many photos! Over-shooting minis can be great to ensure you get those magic shots, but it can also be problematic. Remember, you have to cull through those hundreds of photos and narrow it down to 20-30 shots for a full gallery to up-sell! (Read more about non-IPS upselling HERE.) Let's go over some photographer tips to help you snap the RIGHT photos.

    The more I’ve shot, the more I’ve paid attention to how many shots I’m snapping. I’ve found that it’s SO much easier to cull and deliver galleries when there are only 150 photos to go through instead of 400!

    Today I want to share a few tips to help you avoid over-shooting your next set of mini-sessions. Try these tips out and see for yourself! I bet you’ll be pleasantly surprised with how much they help!

    Snap With Your Breathing

    This seems silly to say, but while you’re shooting, remind yourself to slowwww down. I know sometimes I snap photos without even thinking about it. Not just one photo, but I hold down my shutter and snap several at a time! Instead of instinctively snapping just to fill time, take a breath and snap on your exhale. Something as simple as breathing in and out will help you slow down and not shoot just to shoot.

    Pay Attention In-Camera

    A good rule of thumb is to get into the habit of checking your surroundings and composition before snapping the photo. Don’t just snap away and look at your screen afterwards to see how it turned out! Really process what your photo is going to look like before you snap your shutter. Are feet being cut off? How does the background look? Is everyone in focus? These are questions you should be asking yourself before your finger snaps that shutter.

    Snap ONLY Must-Have Shots

    Sometimes I like to play a game with myself to see how few photos I can snap while still getting a beautiful, full gallery. Instead of “spraying and praying,” I get SUPER intentional with what shots I take. It may even help to pretend you’re shooting on film instead of a digital camera. With film, you can’t waste shots. I can’t tell you how fun it is to only have to cull out a third of your images instead of 70%. Challenge yourself the next time you shoot to stay under a certain number of RAW images!



    I can’t wait to hear about how these photographer tips help you in your next set of minis! If you have any questions, I’d be happy to chat! Just find me on Instagram @rebeccaricephotography



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