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    Ep. 29: The Best Investment I Ever Made For My Business

    Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Transcript

    I’m so excited for today’s episode of the Business Journey podcast! Today, I’m talking about the best investment I ever made for my business! I’m several years into my business now and I’m a huge believer in education for business owners. No matter where you are in business, I absolutely believe that education can make a huge difference in your business. Of all the investments in education I've made over the years, I’m confident that my mastermind investment was the best one I ever made for business. 

    Before we get too into everything, I want to remind you about a FREE class we have for you! It’s all about mini sessions and how to market for success. Check it out HERE – so you can get your fall minis off to a good start this year! Now, back to masterminds… 

    What is a mastermind?

    If you’ve never done or heard of a mastermind before, it’s basically intimate group coaching. One person is in charge of teaching and running the mastermind and there’s usually 6-10 other members of your group. You learn together, bounce ideas off each other, and really become a tight knit group. In the last 18 months, I’ve been a part of 4 masterminds. And while it’s been a big investment (we’re talking almost $18K), I whole-heartedly believe it’s the best thing I could have done. By the way – I’ve made all that back (and then some), which is one way to tell those masterminds were absolutely worth it!

    Some exciting news!

    I want to share something exciting with you! I’m actually starting my own mastermind! It’s been something in the works for a long time over here, but I’m finally in a place where I’m ready to share about it! Like many masterminds, there will be an application so that we can decide if this will be a good fit for you (or not). You can find that application HERE! Read on to see if a mastermind might be the best fit for you – and don't forget to apply! 

    Why to Join a Mastermind

    Over the last 18 months, and because of all of these masterminds, I have greatly accelerated my growth. Do I believe I could have gotten here on my own? Of course, but without the help I had, it wouldn’t have happened as quickly! I gained so much value from my coaches and the other students in my masterminds. With their help, I was able to make better decisions in and for my business. They’ve been where I am now and I could make more educated and thoughtful decisions with their guidance. 

    I also really believe in masterminds because of the relationships you form. Not only did I get industry leaders literally in my back pocket, cheering me on – but I got to connect with other amazing leaders in the group. There’s something really amazing about connecting with people who know exactly what you're going through. Some of my best relationships now are from these groups! 

    And the last reason I believe in masterminds is because of accountability! I’m very much a self-starter. I’m a visionary and Enneagram 3. I like to do all the things. But, it was amazing to have people in my corner reminding me about those things I started and never made it back to. They were there reminding me of all of the ideas I had, and not only reminding me – but helping me go after those things. Not only that, but you have lots of other people looking at your business and helping you generate ideas to make sure you’re reaching the goals you set for yourself. What more could you ask for?! 

    What’s included in my mastermind? 

    Masterminds are truly for business owners who are ready to level up in their businesses! I never offer 1:1 mentoring so this mastermind is really a special group and I can’t wait to see who winds up in our mastermind!! If you’re wondering what’s included, I want to break it down for you. You’ll get weekly calls with me and unlimited Voxer access to me. We’re going to make our mastermind 1 month long. It’ll be intense but it will be so much fun! If you’re at all interested, make sure you apply – even if you’re not 100% sure if you’re a good fit or not. 

    I can’t wait to start reviewing applications. Together, we’ll decide if this is a wise investment for your business. I want you to feel confident, to hit your goals, and I can't wait to pour into you and your business! Get that application in. Remember, you can apply HERE!

    Links Mentioned:

    + Mastermind Application

    + Free Mini Session Class

    Topics We Discussed:

    What is a Mastermind? (2:09)

    My exciting news! (3:38)

    Why Join a Mastermind (5:50)

    What's included in Rebecca's Mastermind (15:45)

    the best investment I ever made for my business Why joining a mastermind was the best business investment: shared by Rebecca Rice on The Business Journey Podcast Why joining a mastermind was the best business investment: shared by Rebecca Rice on The Business Journey Podcast

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