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    How to Get Sharp Photos Every Time

    How do you get your photos sharp every time?

    Today we're taking a look at one of my photography tips – how you can get sharp photos every time you shoot! A few things come into play here: lenses (of course!), aperture and shutter speed! This does not need to be hard and it's something you'll be able to put to use today. I firmly believe in continuing education, especially in the “field” you work. I'm constantly reading books to expand my knowledge and promote growth in my business. So in today's video you can chalk it up as a lesson we all need!

    Grab your camera and take a look!

    Sharp photos are expected from our clients and the sharper they are the more your photos can stand out amongst the crowd. Let's be honest, learning how to be a better photographer is something (as photographers) we all probably love! When you learn/do what you love it's really not work. Together we can walk through some simple photography tips to make a couple small adjustments and get sharp photos every time!

    Notes from the video:

    • Aperture (too low, not enough range in focus)
    • Higher aperture = less light, darker image
    • Lower aperture = more light, brighter image
    • Shutter Speed (too slow, won't freeze motion)
    • High shutter = less light, darker image
    • Lower shutter = more light, brighter image

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    How to get sharp photos every time

    How to get tack sharp photos every time

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