As we get closer and closer to the end of the year, “goal setting” becomes a popular buzzword in the creative industry (and beyond). I'm a huge fan of goals so I wanted to share how I set goals in my business each year. Whether you love goals like me or would rather not set something, join me on this week's episode. These tips might surprise you!
But, before we dive into all of that though, I want to share my new FREE guide with you:
My $3K Mini Sessions Blueprint. It’s a step-by-step guide of what to do to make $3,000 on your next mini sessions. Whether you’ve hit that goal before or just want to see if there’s other ideas to try, grab this free guide. It’s jam packed with tons of great information for you! Now let's jump back to goal setting for your business!
How I Set Goals in My Business
Like I said before, I'm a goal person. I'm an Enneagram 3 and I just love setting goals because of it. Checking off lists makes me happy and I think that kind of is the same thing for goals! So today, I wanted to give you an inside look at how I set goals in my business each year. So let's dive into it!
The Tools I Use for Goal Setting
Each year, I set yearly goals which are 2 or 3 overarching goals I have for that year. Then I also set quarterly goals. I do that each quarter at a time. So, I'll set my yearly goals and Q1 goals in January. There's prep work involved in setting goals. You don't just sit down and decide what to do. Look at what's been happening, what worked well and what didn't. I love the system that Lara Casey teaches with her PowerSheets! They break down the whole process so it's less overwhelming and I truly do see results year after year.
In addition to PowerSheets, I use Kat Schmoyer's printable calendars. She has a quarterly printable calendar and I love printing it, framing it, and using my dry erase markers on it each quarter. I think it really helps me break down my quarterly goal into smaller, reasonable chunks of focus. PS. We did a whole interview about
how to plan quarterly for your business – make sure you take a look, she's literally the Calendar Queen! When I sit down and go through my goals, I make sure to update everything at once so I'm ready to start tackling goals.
How to Set Your Goals
When it comes to actually setting goals, I use a system called SMART goals. It stands for smart, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-based goals. These are the lenses I look through when setting my goals each year and quarter. Basically, you want to make sure that the goals you set actually matter for your business and are measurable – this will vary goal to goal. But you want to make sure that you can actually SEE progress. Remember your season of life while planning your goals, too. That's something I think many of us forget. Attainable and realistic mean two different things depending on your season of life. And remember, you can always refresh or change your goals too!
One of the biggest lessons I've learned about goal setting is to be flexible. Each quarter, I take a look at what happened and what's ahead. This helps me refresh my goals. You shouldn't feel like you're stuck with the same goals all year long. It's actually why I don't like New Year's resolutions – they aren't flexible! Be flexible and kind to yourself.
That's a quick overview of how I set goals each year and quarter! I want to hear what goals you've set and how you lay them out for yourself! Are you using Power Sheets or a calendar? Or just a list somewhere? Now is the perfect time to sit down and decide what's on your goal list for 2022! What do you want to feel this time next year and how are you going to get there? You've got this!!!
Links Mentioned
What We Discussed
Tools I Use (2:10)
SMART Goals (5:55)