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    Ep. 50. Should You Use Facebook Ads in 2022?

    Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Transcript

    Today we get to talk about my absolute favorite topic ever – Facebook ads! I mean typically, you either love them or you hate them. I just happen be that friend that everyone runs to for facebook ad info. Seriously they are a hot topic if you think about marketing or advertising at all. It's a fresh year and a great time to really start thinking how you can up your marketing game by getting your name out there. Facebook ads don't have to be scary or pricey if you know what you're doing. I so don't mind being your friend that shares her marketing tips about how to do this today!

    Before jumping in, I've got a FREE blueprint for all of you. In case you didn't know, I am a believer of the mini session. They truly are my bread and butter. I've experimented long enough now to tell you all the do's and don'ts. My $3K Mini Sessions Blueprint walks you through how to make $3,000 on your next mini sessions. If you've hit that goal or not this step by step guide is sure to be an amazing resource!

    Yes, you should use Facebook Ads!

    It seems like this becomes a teeter totter decision. I know last year we were all hit with the new IOS update. If you didn't hear, basically, the iPhone's iOS update took on privacy measures that allowed you to opt out of tracking. The kind that tracked what websites you visit and what things you're interested in. For instance, if I googled something like “kids' plates” then all of a sudden I started seeing these Facebook ads for kids' plates! It's wild. After the update (if you opted out) you no longer were “tracked.” All that being said it was great for users, but made it difficult for people that utilized Facebook ads.

    Here's the good part: I stayed the course through this whole change and still use Facebook ads as my primary source of leads. The changes I noticed heavily impacted the analytics reporting. So it shouldn't scare you away. I would advise, however, if you've never done Facebook ads before to get educated. The world of Facebook is a world of its own. There is a right and wrong way to do them. My hope is to give you a framework as to why you should use them in 2022 for your business and why these marketing tips work! So here's why:

    #1 Facebook has turned into a “pay to play” game

    A year and a half ago I posted in facebook groups for free and still believe in that method of advertising. But, friend, the game is changing. Now algorithms make it difficult for your post to be seen. Not impossible! In fact, if you're in my course: Profitable Mini Sessions you know there are ways to play the algorithm to be sure your posts are seen. Overall, Facebook has leaned into the platform people that pay to get their ads seen. I view my paid advertising as an investment in my business. Don't pay if you don't get a return!

    #2 Facebook ads make it easy to reach a cold audience

    Cold audiences are people you've never reached before while a warm audience is people you have. The easiest way to reach your warm audience is through your email list. Hands down. Facebook ads, in my opinion are the easiest way to reach your cold audience. Rather than fighting algorithms you can put in a little money and basically have them do the work for you! Here's the golden ticket: You're paying for Facebook to find your leads. You're not “making the cold call.” Facebook will find those that would be interested in your ad!

    #3 You can get specific in your targeting

    Yes, it's honestly creepy how accurately it targets people. You can target based on demographics, income level, interests, cities, etc. This really is why it was incredible to use Facebook ads for my associate team. We could choose specific areas to target. Seriously, technology is genius. Now you can put out an ad that literally searches for your exact ideal client!

    #4 Facebook ads are a lead machine

    This is what we saw with my associate team. You can constantly have ads running. Facebook's doing the marketing for you. This way you're not having to exhaust yourself with the posting in groups, responding to people, commenting on posts, and messaging and all the things! It saves time and energy! YAY! Not to mention you can set up automations for getting them booked. So it really streamlines the process.

    Facebook ads aren't for everyone, but I am a Facebook ad freak! I've seen it work wonders in my industry and believe it could help you too. If you're stuck, reach out to me. I'd love to share my knowledge and more marketing tips I have!

    Links Mentioned

    + My $3K Mini Sessions Blueprint

    What We Discussed

    Facebook is a pay to play game (8:03)

    Facebook ads make it easy to reach a cold audience (11:48)

    You can get specific in your targeting (13:33)

    Facebook ads are a lead generating machine (16:35)

    Should you use Facebook Ads in 2022 | Marketing Tips Should you use Facebook Ads in 2022 | Marketing Tips Should you use Facebook Ads in 2022 | Marketing Tips

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