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    Student Spotlight: Jaden Giorgianni of Jaden Giorgianni Photography

    This student spotlight will motivate you straight into the photography business world! Check out Jaden Giorgianni of Jaden Giorgianni Photography! She loves knowing something she created from nothing is becoming successful and that her hard work and dedication are moving the needle. Like many of us, this hobby has turned into the dream job. You know the one where work doesn't feel like work because you're doing what you LOVE. Ready to be inspired? Here we go!

    Tell us about yourself?

    I'm a senior and family photographer in Savannah, Georgia. I'm married and have 2 kids – Christopher who is 5 and Ada who is 2. In my free time I enjoy traveling and hitting the beach (alone if it's really truly free time)!

    I've been in business for a little under 3 years. I've always been “the friend with the camera”! I had a 110 film camera as a child and got my first Sony mirrorless camera for Christmas the year I was pregnant with my son. My mom wanted “real” pictures of her grandson and not iPhone photos. (How many of us can relate!?) 2020 was my first senior session and really was more of a favor for a friend. I knew seniors was an avenue I wanted to explore more, having someone smile when you ask AND follow the instructions without you having to bounce around and do the silly faces/voices was amazing!

    What started your photography journey?

    I have a pretty typical “always had a camera” story but I really found a passion for learning more about the creative side and less about the point and shoot side after having my son in 2016. While I was pregnant with my daughter I decided to turn a hobby into a business so I spent 8 months preparing and laying the ground work to become an official business. 26 days before having Ada I purchased a business license and opened Jaden Giorgianni Photography.

    What is your favorite thing about running a photography business?

    I love the photography, but I have to say the business side excites me more than the photos. I love knowing something I created from nothing is becoming successful (my definition of successful) and that my hard work and dedication are moving the needle.

    What is something you've achieved that you're proud of?

    There are lots of things I am proud to have achieved, but my favorite feeling is when a past client reaches out and books me again for a session. I like seeing their family grow but also knowing I did something that makes them want to come back. That makes me very proud!

    Where can we find you and Jaden Giorgianni Photography?




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