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    Student Spotlight: Hannah Woodmansee of Hannah Woodmansee Photography

    This student spotlight is a special one! Hannah Woodmansee of Hannah Woodmansee Photography was born in TX, grew up in CO/UT, and now lives in NC. Does that have your head spinning? Don't worry, she's handling it all so well. And, on top of all the moves she now has 2 kids (boy & girl), and is happily married! Photography isn't her only passion. She enjoys gardening too! I think it's a creative thing. There's just something about expressing what's in you in some form. Hannah Woodmansee of Hannah Woodmansee Photography shows us exactly that!

    Tell me a little about your photography business!

    I started my business January of 2020 which was a wild time due to covid breaking out. Story of all of our lives, right? I went from ramping up to backing off and then ramping up again. In the 2 years of business we moved and had another baby! Big life changes which has made me pivot in my business. I shoot families and love working with all ages!

    What started your photography journey?

    Well, I have always been a creative. I love singing, the arts, and photography has always been an interest. I took a photography class in high school which really sparked this idea of cultivating my craft. After starting a family of my own, I wanted to continue to capture my own family which then pushed me to take my hobby more seriously when others wanted pictures too.

    What is your favorite thing about running a photography business?

    Meeting so many different families! In such a short time I get to know their personalities, and some of their story or history. I love capturing photos to help others remember a time in their life. And I love helping them show their beauty inside and out!

    What is something you’ve achieved that you’re proud of?

    I am proud of how far I have come in my style of photography. I have learned how to use light, how to shoot manual, and how to pose clients bring natural pictures. Thank goodness for educators like you because I needed the help!

    If you could tell your past self one thing, what would it be?

    I think I would tell myself to not be afraid to fail. I have held back in the past in fear of not getting something perfect the first time ie. a successful business. But in failing I have learned so much! Sometimes we fail but that doesn't have to be the end result, just a stepping stone to the next thing.

    Where can we find Hannah Woodmansee of Hannah Woodmansee Photography?

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    Don’t forget to check out other recent Student Spotlights!

    Student Spotlight: Hannah Woodmansee of Hannah Woodmansee Photography

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