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    Student Spotlight: Hannah Houtari of Hannah Houtari Photography

    This student spotlight is an adventurous one! I'm pleased to introduce you to Hannah Houtari of Hannah Houtari Photography! She started her first photography business in high school and now resides in Houston, TX. Hannah traveled and lived in many places and has a love of ALL things beautiful. I'm convinced meeting more passionate photographers will grow your love for this industry. Here is our student spotlight: Hannah Houtari of Hannah Houtari Photography!

    Tell me a little about your photography business!

    I primarily work with families and couples for my sessions; they are just the best! I have been running my current business since September 2021 but it's actually my second photography business. I've been playing around with a camera since I was probably 13-14 and started Quality Expectations Photography while I was in high school. I took any job that came my way which included a few weddings, cosplayers at comic conventions, becoming a horse show's official photographer, Christmas dog portraits at local veterinarian offices, and of course all my friends who would agree to pose for me!

    What started your photography journey?

    My dad is an artist (illustration, commercial, and fine arts) and he definitely inspired and encouraged my artistic endeavors throughout my life. When we moved to Virginia, he was working on a graphic novel about the Civil War so we were always going to reenactments for research and he decided to purchase a nice digital camera to take reference photos. One day I was bored and decided to take his camera out at a reenactment and, well, he never got it back. It lived with me from there on out and I started exploring everything through my camera lens. I've had a camera ever since.

    What is your favorite thing about running a photography business?

    When I work with a family, I know that these are more than photos, they are memories. They may seem small in the moment but I know that someday, they are the photos people will pull out to remind them of how small little hands were or of that goofy smile that only came out for photos. It's the best feeling in the world to know I get to be a small part of that journey for these families.

    What is something you’ve achieved that you’re proud of?

    Honestly, there isn't one thing in particular. I'm proud of where I am today. I'm proud of the life I have built. I've been through darkness but God has always seen me through it. I'm proud that no matter what has happened or where I've lived, I've made the best of it and moved forward, trying new things, taking on new challenges, and exploring new avenues, including a photography business I never thought would happen until, suddenly, it did.

    If you could tell your past self one thing, what would it be?

    Well, if I could go back to that 14-year-old girl playing around with her dad's camera, it would have to be: “You have no idea how wonderful your journey is going to be, just you wait, it's going be amazing. Keep pushing forward, don't get bogged down by self-doubt 'cause you're going to do things you can't even dream of right now.”

    Where can we find Hannah Houtari of Hannah Houtari Photography?

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    Don’t forget to check out other recent Student Spotlights!

    Student Spotlight: Hannah Houtari of Hannah Houtari Photography

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