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    Student Spotlight: Brigitta Canfield of Brigitta Canfield Photography

    More Resources: Intro to Minis

    This student spotlight's photography journey is full of adventure! She's a mama of 3 that includes a beautiful story of adoption. After having 2 kids her entire family traveled to South Korea for their third. Not only does she love to travel, but she's a worship leader, yoga teacher AND thriving photographer! Although she's happy to sit down with a good book, her family is constantly on the go outdoors. She's taken the Rebecca Rice Dubsado Mini Course, Flodesk Mini Course and Intro to Minis! I am pleased to introduce you to our Student Spotlight: Brigitta Canfield of Brigitta Canfield Photography!

    Tell me a little about your photography business!

    I shoot mostly families and mini sessions, but will occasionally shoot the gorgeous small beach wedding! I used to work at “The Price is Right” gameshow in Los Angeles, and I am proud to say that I brought in more last year doing photography than my final year at “The Price is Right!” as their Script Supervisor. It has definitely been a RIDE running a small business with all the other hats that I wear (mom, wife, worship leader at our church, yoga teacher…) but I truly love what I do! The best part is that I set the pace to what fits our family.

    What started your photography journey?

    I started my photography journey out documenting my daughter after my husband got deployed to Afghanistan when she was only 3 months old. I bought a canon 70D, and thought I would start by taking photos of the memories we were creating together! It turned into a hobby to pass the time while he was at war, and has now become quite the side hustle!

    What is your favorite thing about running a photography business?

    The people, hands down! I have gotten to meet lovely people from all walks of life and I love to hear their stories. As a stay at home mom, I can be consumed with my own world of meal prepping, children, kids activities, etc, but it's so nice to have that outside interaction.

    What is something you’ve achieved that you’re proud of?

    Fully selling out 9 days of minis last year! Also, finally hitting over 1000 instagram followers!

    If you could tell your past self one thing, what would it be?

    Enjoy the journey and don't always rush to be onto the next thing! I'm a 7 on the Enneagram, so I'm always hungry for the next thing (especially with my business). I'm trying to SLOW down, and enjoy the wild ride!

    Where can we find Brigitta Canfield of Brigitta Canfield Photography?

    + Website
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    + Facebook

    Don’t forget to check out other recent Student Spotlights!

    Student Spotlight: Brigitta Canfield of Brigitta Canfield Photography | Photography Journey Student Spotlight: Brigitta Canfield of Brigitta Canfield Photography | Photography Journey Student Spotlight: Brigitta Canfield of Brigitta Canfield Photography | Photography Journey

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