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    Ep 99 – A Week in the Life: What My Schedule Really Looks Like

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    More Resources: Free $3k Blueprint

    Today on The Business Journey Podcast, I felt it would be helpful for other business owners and photographers to hear what my schedule really looks like! I want to pull you in behind the curtain to see how I go about a typical business day. But, before jumping into those details I do have a FREE blueprint to help you successfully navigate a day of minis. If you've never made $3000 on a single day of minis then you definitely need to grab this guide! Now, I was at the Graceful Gathering conference speaking when a photographer asked me about the structure of my business day. I'm very strategic in what that looks like and there's been an evolution throughout the years. I started part time, moved to full time with kids then to adding team members. So, what's worked best for me…

    Focused Work Hours

    I am not the best at multi-tasking. I'm a mom of 2 little ones and I also enjoy my work. With that being said, I currently have my kids in a hybrid homeschool. On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday my kids are at school or with Mimi and I can solely work on my business. My work day starts at 8:00am and kick it off with meetings on Tuesday. I will say my business has grown and I have a staff team. So when I'm not “in the office” they are still getting work done. It's incredible, and yes, it is possible! Next, I hone in on projects like culling sessions or tasks from team call. I stop working my work days at noon. And fun fact, I take a nap EVERY day. It fits perfectly into my afternoon right before I need to pick up kids!

    Intentional Use of Time

    Since I only work about 10-12 hours a week I have to utilize my time efficiently. I use filters to place priority on things. For instance, if it requires my face – YouTube, Instagram stories, etc. If it uses my voice – podcasts, interviews, etc. Or just showing up in communities on Facebook and lastly things like strategy or launches fall on my plate. Everything else I pass on to other team members. That's why I have a team under me to be able to accomplish everything while still being able to have a work week that looks like this. Now, I still have slack and voxer on my phone so my team can reach me throughout the week. But I strive to stay in my zone of genius while serving my family and business well. This took years of trial and error, but I finally feel like I've figured out what works for me.

    Next Steps

    If you're a solo-preneur this can be hard to imagine. But I hope this episode at least encouraged you that it is possible! Feel free to DM with any questions because I would love to help you get to your dream. If you want to work towards a lifestyle like this, I encourage you to start with just one team member. Find one thing you can outsource. Inbox, editing, etc! My first team member was hired as an outside contractor and I paid them $30/hr for 10 hours a week. Because I got 10 extra hours in my month I was able to book more sessions and bring in more income! So, start somewhere and begin taking those steps to creating your dream work life. There's so much more in the podcast so be sure to give it a listen and get yourself in the place you want to be!

    What We Covered:

    Focused Work Hours (5:04)
    Intentional Use of Time (9:17)
    Next Steps (17:56)

    The Business Journey Podcast with Rebecca Rice- A Week in the Life: What My Schedule Really Looks Like

    The Business Journey Podcast with Rebecca Rice- A Week in the Life: What My Schedule Really Looks Like

    The Business Journey Podcast with Rebecca Rice- A Week in the Life: What My Schedule Really Looks Like

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