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    Student Spotlight: Janelle Barrow

    More Resources: Behind the Lens | Business & Marketing Course

    I am happy to introduce an incredible photographer and our student spotlight today!  She is a busy mom of 3 kids, enjoys scrapbooking and loves horses which play a role in her photography. As a former teacher, she believes in education and jumped into some courses to help her get started. Being a teacher turned photographer for under a year now, she's faced challenges many of us have when it comes to the business front. Learning to value what you bring to the table and confidently market that! Welcome Janelle Barrow of Janelle Barrow Photography…

    What Rebecca Rice products or courses have impacted your photography business?

    I have invested in both Behind the Lens and the Business and Marketing Course. Both of which have been helpful for me. The Business Course has helped me streamline that area of my work a great deal with easy email responses, professional emails with clients, contracts, invoices, and so many other things! Behind the Lens gives me confidence in my face to face interactions and workflow during an actual session.

    What is your favorite thing about Rebecca Rice Education?

    There are so many practical things that have helped me but my absolute favorite thing is feeling like I have someone on my side. It can be such a lonely road getting started in this business and not every established photographer wants to help out. If I'm feeling a little washed out, stressed, and unsure of myself, I find that watching something in Behind the Lens gives me a little boost. I get the sense of “Hey, welcome! Come hang out and see how it's done!” It's perfect.

    What is something you've achieved since using Rebecca Rice Products or Education?

    My workflow and client experience has become more consistent and organized. I am an extremely organized person who loves to get things just right. But I was second guessing myself. The Business and Marketing Course helped me identify where I was doing things great (and feel more confident in those areas) and where I needed to work out the problems. Now I feel extra confident that any client will feel taken care of and led from one organized step to the next. It has also given me some goals to put on my list of things to do and why I should be doing them. Blogging, more email marketing, try mini sessions…

    If you could encourage other photographers with something you've learned, what would it be?

    Keep on learning every single day! Take time out to continue building on your education no matter how long you are in business. Learn from others and share the lessons you have learned. I think that the best people in this industry are the ones who continue to push learning and growth, build connections, and spread a true love for what they find joy in. That's what drew me to Rebecca Rice Education. You are capable of achieving so much more than you give yourself credit for with a great growth mindset!

    Where can we find Janelle Barrow of Janelle Barrow Photography?

    + Website
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    + Facebook

    Don’t forget to check out other recent Student Spotlights!

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