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    I'm a wife, mom of 3, family photographer and educator in Nashville, TN who has a passion for helping photographers gain a life of freedom through a thriving photography business.

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    Mini-Sessions Tips

    Sometimes as photographers we get some tough questions. Especially during mini-sessions season! I’ve been shooting high-volume mini-sessions for years, and every year some of the same questions come up.  I’ve had photographers ask me what to do in these scenarios, so I’m sharing my answers for some of the most common questions I get from […]

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    Answers to Tough Questions: Mini-Sessions Edition

    Mini-Sessions Tips

    One way I serve my clients better and elevate their overall experience is by sending them my Client Experience Guide. My goal is always to answer any questions I may get before my clients have to ask them. I found that the best way to get a lot of helpful information into my clients’ hands […]

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    Filed Under:

    Walking Through My Client Experience Guide

    3 Reasons to Ditch the Mini-Sessions Ad Templates

    6 tasks you can outsource today as a small business owner

    Mini-Sessions Tips

    family with two sons walks through Nashville War Memorial

    Nashville War Memorial | Nashville TN Photographer | The Hoefler Family


    What to Do If a Kid Cries During a Mini-Session

    Mini-Sessions Tips

    boys with their dad in a family photo session

    My 3 Favorite Family Posing Prompts

    Mini-Sessions Tips

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    our latest videos


    More Resources: Free Class | FB Ad Mini Course | Business & Marketing Course Have you been wondering if Facebook and Instagram ads still work for your business? The short answer is YES, even in the ever-changing Meta landscape. But before unfolding the how and why I have a FREE class to help you double […]

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    i see you, too!

    Want to learn to take better photos of your kids using your fancy camera (DSLR)? I've got 6 FREE lessons just for you! You can also join thousands of moms from all over the world in our Facebook Group to learn and grow together!

    yes, please! I'm in!

    not sure where to begin?

    here's a great place to start

    Get practical business advice (did we mention, *free?*) every week to help you grow a thriving, profitable photography business! From behind-the-scenes editing tips, to posing and marketing - here are some of our most popular posts!

    behind the lens

    our *behind-the-scenes* membership program

    Behind the Lens is our BRAND NEW MEMBERSHIP program geared towards family photographers! Each month our members receive a behind-the-scenes video of me shooting a REAL family session. As a bonus, I also include an EXCLUSIVE MASTERCLASS each month teaching on business topics I don't teach anywhere else! As our MOST AFFORDABLE, value-packed educational resource in our shop, it's a no-brainer for anyone looking to level up their family photography game! Join me every month behind the lens.

    be my virtual shadow and learn while you watch me shoot real family sessions!

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