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    Student Spotlight: Jennifer Kurz of Jennifer Kurz Photography

    I'm SO excited to be sharing another student spotlight today! These have all been so so much fun to read and I love highlighting the people who are working super hard in my courses and education content. Today, we're featuring Jennifer Kurz of Jennifer Kurz Photography, a family photographer in Pittsburgh PA in her first year of business. She is doing AMAZING things and has such a great mindset. I can't wait for you to learn more about her!

    Student Spotlight: Jennifer Kurz of Jennifer Kurz Photography

    Tell me about yourself.

    I am a part time dialysis RN, married to a wonderful man for 17 years and have 2 energetic boys ages 8 & 4. Aside from spending most of our lives in Pittsburgh, my husband and I have lived in various places with his career including Watertown, NY and San Angelo, Tx. We love traveling, seeing new places and spending lots of time together as a family. Covid changed our vaca plans last year swapping out a trip to Disney for a trip to Glen Arbor, Mi. I actually wrote a blog post about it on my website. We had the most AMAZING time and are going back again this summer!!

    Tell me a little about your photography business!

    I currently photograph mostly families but I had 2 senior sessions last year and 4 weddings. So for my first official year in business, it was a huge success for me!! I LOVE spending and free time I have (at night or in the car going to/from work) learning as much as I can about photography.

    What started your photography journey?

    I have ALWAYS loved taking photos and wondered what it would take to live the dream of starting my own business. Looking back, most of the photos of my oldest are blurry or dark and I wanted better memories of him. I started taking a few tutorials here and there and a few years later enrolled in all of AJ classes and then your class.

    What is your favorite thing about running a photography business?

    I love making memories for clients to have forever!! I LOVE delivering those moments that they didnt know I captured!! Time is so fleeting. Photos are the best way to remember a moment in time.

    What is something you’ve achieved that you’re proud of?

    Having the family that I have ALWAYS prayed for and having the flexibility to work part time, start a business and be home to watch our sons grow up.

    If you could tell your past self one thing, what would it be?

    Do not compare yourself to others and dont let ONE negative review ruin you. Use it to better yourself.

    Where can we find you and Jennifer Kurz Photography!?




    Don’t forget to check out other recent Student Spotlights!

    student spotlight for Rebecca Rice Education Rebecca Rice Photography student spotlight Student Spotlight: Jennifer Kurz of Jennifer Kurz Photography



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