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    Ep. 27: The Making of “Behind the Lens with Rebecca Rice”

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    I'm thrilled we've got another episode of the Business Journey podcast for you today! Today's topic is all about Behind the Lens, my behind the scenes membership for family photographers. I thought it was the perfect time to chat more about what Behind the Lens is, who it's for, and a little inside scoop about how it's made! This membership was created with family photographers in mind. I wanted to give family photographers a look at REAL family portrait sessions so they could see what it's like, why I make the choices I do for lighting, posing, and how I run my session. It's filled with behind the scenes footage of actual family photos sessions I photograph plus my voice over to explain what's going on. Each month, members also get a Masterclass from me or a guest expert. We've talked about Pinterest, blogging, flash, and so much more already and we're only 4 months in!

    Why did I want to make Behind the Lens?

    Honestly, this membership had been on my heart for SO long. I learned from incredible educators when I first began my journey into photography. But the problem was, I couldn't really find resources specific to family photographers. So much of what I could get access to was for weddings, seniors or newborns. And while that's all great and taught me so much, I realized there was a void here. Family photographers were being left out. So I decided I want to fill that gap and offer something for family photographers. I waited for a year and a half to be in a season of life where this membership was actually feasible and it's been so worth it so I could serve you all well!

    Why behind the scenes footage?

    When I first started as a family photographer, I would ask local photographers if I could shadow them. I just wanted to see an actual family photographer in action. And honestly? A lot of them said no, because they thought I would be direct competition. This was why I wanted to create an element of virtual mentorship. That way, no matter where you are, you can learn from a photographer who's been there. So in the behind the scenes videos I take the time to break down each of my decisions when it comes to lighting, posing, and prompts.

    Why is it so affordable?

    Another thing I realized while I was sorting through the education I completed for my own business is that resources in the photography world are EXPENSIVE. And they're definitely worth it! I truly believe that. But, I also know that it isn't always in someone's budget to pay hundreds of dollars for a course. So I wanted to create something that was affordable, no matter where you are in your business. That's another reason I wanted to include masterclasses in addition to the behind the scenes footage. I want you to have access to something helpful, in every stage of your business.

    What kind of content is included?

    One of my favorite parts of Behind the Lens is that I can cater the content you receive each month based on the feedback I get from students. I've shown sessions with toddlers, an in home lifestyle session, a mommy and me session. It's been really fun to come up with something that's unique each month to provide you with the best possible education. And as a little sneak peek, we've got a session with adult children coming up soon and a cake smash! But, it's not just about the type of session. It's also about locations. I'm showing students how to take little parts of their neighborhood and make magic. We've talked about using flash in a dark house. One session is even on the beach! I want to be sure that you feel prepared for any situation you're in. I seriously listen to all of your feedback and requests. When I knew I wanted to do this behind the scenes membership, I wanted it to be fluid and able to adjust to your needs!

    A thank you…

    This membership would not be possible without every photographer that has joined in, provided feedback, and taken our classes. We currently have over 400 members! It's amazing. Seriously, I love watching each and every one of you become better photographers, ask for help, and build a community. It's just incredible.  I would have never imagined that this would grow so fast, but it just goes to show how needed this resources. And I love that I get to help step in and fill that gap.

    If you're not a member of Behind the Lens, now's the time to jump in! It's $14/month and I promise it will be the best $14 you've ever spent. You'll get access to the behind the scenes videos, masterclasses, and our Facebook community – which might just be my favorite part!

    Links Mentioned in this Episode:

    + Behind the Lens Membership

    What We Discussed:

    Why did I make Behind the Lens? (2:06)

    Behind the scenes format (5:07)

    What's the cost? (7:44)

    What kind of content is included? (9:20)

    A thank you! (13:00)

    The Making of "Behind the Lens with Rebecca Rice": Episode 27 of the Business Journey Podcast, look into her family photographer membership an inside look at why Behind the Lens was created The Making of "Behind the Lens with Rebecca Rice": Episode 27 of the Business Journey Podcast, look into her family photographer membership

    For Photographers:

    For Families:

    not sure where to begin?

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    behind the lens

    our *behind-the-scenes* membership program

    Behind the Lens is our BRAND NEW MEMBERSHIP program geared towards family photographers! Each month our members receive a behind-the-scenes video of me shooting a REAL family session. As a bonus, I also include an EXCLUSIVE MASTERCLASS each month teaching on business topics I don't teach anywhere else! As our MOST AFFORDABLE, value-packed educational resource in our shop, it's a no-brainer for anyone looking to level up their family photography game! Join me every month behind the lens.

    be my virtual shadow and learn while you watch me shoot real family sessions!

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