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    Family Photoshoot Poses | Nailing the “Run and Give Hugs” Posing Prompt

    More Resources: Free Posing Class | Behind the Lens Membership

    Are you ready to learn one of my signature family posing prompts?? Nailing the “run and give hugs” posing prompt  creates incredible candid moments. I'm excited to share exactly how you can recreate it in your next session. I do have a FREE posing class available called “The Keys to Effective Family Posing, Goodbye Awkward and Stiff“! Some of my favorite feedback from this class is how students have applied the content to their next session. Let that be your testimonial too! Now, how do you set up the “run and give hugs” posing prompt? Where do you stand? Where do you place clients? Let's get into it…

    Start with Mom and Dad

    Inside my Behind the Lens membership you can actually see me doing this pose in action. I always start with placing mom and dad. That way their faces are the focus and I have the kids run to them. So don't be surprised if the kids are slightly out of focus! My goal is to capture the genuine reaction on mom and dad's face as their sweet littles join them.

    Clear Instructions

    Here's the thing, when it comes to working with kids you need to be flexible. I typically run this pose 2-3 times. It gives everyone a good idea of what to do and they are more comfortable the second time around. I'll let the kids know I'm going to count to 3 and after they need to run and give hugs to mom and dad! So the kids are standing right by me to start and once they enter the frame I start snapping away. After I'll look through to see what I've got and do it again. If I happen to capture the right images in the first round I'll change angles to add diversity.

    More in the Video…

    Inside this YouTube video I share what you can do with kids that aren't able to walk or those that refuse to run. I also give you my camera settings so you can be fully prepared to nail the run and give hugs posing prompt on your next session! Be sure to try it out and let me know how it goes.

    Nailing the Run and Give Hugs Posing Prompt

    For Photographers:

    For Families:

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