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    Ep 11 – Pinterest for Photographers

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    We're diving right into another episode of the Business Journey Podcast today and this one's all about Pinterest tips for photographers! Pinterest is one of those marketing platforms that photographers tend to put on the back burner because it doesn't seem like a super big deal. But I'm a firm believer that all photographers should be on Pinterest. If you aren't, you're missing out on some huge marketing opportunities! These tips will be super practical and help you start your journey on Pinterest. And if you're looking for more tips, make sure you join us in Behind the Lens with Rebecca Rice – we've got a masterclass on Pinterest for this month as your bonus content!!

    Why Pinterest?

    Pinterest is a search engine, not social media. It's not designed to connect us like other platforms. Instead, it's meant to be used for inspiration and to help drive traffic to your website. You won't probably book clients directly from Pinterest, and that's OKAY. Instead, use it to send people to your posts and website, which helps with your SEO! This helps tell Google your site is credible and worth sharing. It's a mindset shift, but an important one! Remember, the lifespan of a pin is much longer than a social media post – so it's worth starting a strategy.

    What to Pin

    When you first start out, figuring out what to pin can be difficult. But here's the thing: if you're blogging for your business (and you absolutely SHOULD be blogging!), you have content right there! Pin the images you include in the blog and share about the outfits. People will definitely search Pinterest for outfit ideas! Just make sure the images you share are linking back to your site – so that people go there to see the full post or tip you've pinned.

    My Journey with Pinterest

    When I first started, I was terrible about keeping up with Pinterest. But now, I've learned to automate things! If I set aside one time a month to really focus on scheduling my pins, it works out way better for me! Currently, I'm sitting at about 1.8 million monthly viewers. That's people that are seeing those pins in their feed. I don't get traffic like that ANY where else but Pinterest. While that's a vanity metric, I did check on my recent clicks and I'm still hitting over 600 a month. That's GREAT for a month!!! What's even cooler is that if someone searches in Google for images, a lot of the ones that come up that are mine actually are from Pinterest – meaning that's ONE more way people are seeing my content.

    Seriously, if you're not using Pinterest as a photographer, you're missing out! It's SUCH an incredible resource. It's one more way people can find you and it's free. Pins have a long lifetime, are searchable on Google, and will drive traffic to your site – which helps your SEO. It's a no brainer!!

    PS…. If you want to see my full process for automating Pinterest, be sure to join us in the Behind the Lens with Rebecca Rice masterclass!

    Topics We Discussed

    Why Pinterest Matters (3:00)

    What to Pin (8:19)

    My Journey with Pinterest (13:00)

    Links Mentioned in the Episode

    + Behind the Lens with Rebecca Rice

    + Follow me on Pinterest 

    Pinterest for Photographers - Pinterest tips Pinterest for Photographers - Pinterest tips Pinterest for Photographers - Pinterest tips

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