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    EP 98 – Secrets To Successful Model Calls

    Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Transcript

    More Resources: Free Class | Client Experience Guide | Portrait Contract Template

    Let's dive into the topic of model calls. I get asked about this often and today I'll be sharing some secrets to successful model calls! How do you run one, what are they useful for, how do you set them up. Before we get into all the good things, I've got a FREE class for those of you that are ready to go beyond simply taking pretty pictures. It's called “6 Steps to Double Your Revenue” and full of educational content you can start applying to your business. This class walks through the importance of having a true marketing strategy so you can bring in more revenue.

    What's the Purpose?

    There are definitely right and wrong ways to do a model call. First, you need to know what the goal is. Are you trying to grow your portfolio or like me, when I first moved to Nashville, you're starting over with your clientele? Maybe you're needing more content that you can blog about! Whatever it is you need to clearly define the purpose. If you just say you're doing a free shoot, people will come flocking! Be clear on what you're looking for. Lifestyle newborns, multiple siblings in the session, etc.

    Model Call Structure

    I set up my model call similar to a mini session. I'll give 5 free photos, but deliver a full gallery! Most of the time clients will purchase the full gallery. There are some important things you should require like having clients follow your style guide. You should pick the location and state that the session is 30-60 minutes or however long you need. I use my Client Experience Guide to help them choose outfits and make sure they send photos beforehand so I know what to expect! Remember, it's a model call which means it's for your business.

    Grow Your Email List

    This is a valuable opportunity to collect emails and grow your list. In order for people to apply for your model call you can get their info from a form. You can include questions to help with the verification process. I have them include a photo of who they will have in their session. It adds an extra layer of protection to be sure you have the models needed! And the best part is by having them on your email list when you advertise for sessions later in the year they often book you. If you are wondering why it is so important to have an email list, check out this Podcast Episode!

    Model Call Must

    Use a contract! Yes, it's a free session, but having a contract guarantees everyone is clear on expectations and what's included. This protects you and will let them know what will be delivered. Be sure you don't diy your contract, but use one that's been written by a lawyer so it will hold up in court should that ever take place. I have one you can grab HERE that I use for all my sessions!

    Model calls can be incredibly helpful and a success for achieving goals. Give it a try and see what happens for your business!

    What We Covered:

    What's the Purpose? (2:28)
    Model Call Structure (4:16)
    Grow Your Email List (9:02)
    Model Call Must (11:06)

    Secrets To Successful Model Calls Secrets To Successful Model Calls Secrets To Successful Model Calls

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